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Here's your chance to win a Scholarship to attend the 2025 Cable Executive Management Program at Harvard Business School!

About The Program

Cable Executive Management, a Harvard Business School Executive Education program, has been developed for CTAM and sponsored by the CTAM Educational Foundation. This program is a world-class management development experience for executives from across all disciplines in the media/entertainment/technology industry. This year's program will be held in person from June 8-13, 2025.


Attendees will benefit from an intensive week with top Harvard Business School professors and select industry luminaries focused on business strategy, marketing and management principles within a curriculum that’s built around detailed case study problems. It is a stimulating, demanding program that challenges minds, invigorates careers and will ready you for the next generation of challenges. ​

Scholarship Details

The Scholarship includes tuition, airfare, housing, meals and materials (and the right to say you went to Harvard!).  Estimated Value at $16,000 CAD. Any additional costs are at the recipient’s expense. 

How To Apply

Bring it on and flex your business acumen!  Submit your application by answering this year's Scholarship Essay question: 

The rapid growth and widespread use of AI in almost every aspect of our lives is a double edged sword, many benefits but also a wide range of risks and concerns. Discuss a significant change that AI has brought to the world of content distribution (ex. long form vs. short form, studio vs. user generated content, consumption preferences, new delivery platforms, data collection). Suggest a way AI can help the Video Industry (inclusive of TV and streaming) stay competitive in this changing environment.  What are some concerns and risks that are raised by the use of AI in this manner including ethical implications and privacy concerns?

Your references should include both current CTAM research and external sources to support your arguments. Current CTAM research refers to the most recent YouGov research report which can be found on A strong essay will showcase creativity stemmed from factual data.

Application Requirements

  • Letter of reference from your organization and letter of reference from a professional relationship you’ve worked with (These letters count in the evaluation)
  • 100 words about your past/present participation or engagement with CTAM Canada as an event attendee, volunteer and/or past board member (This detail counts in your evaluation)
  • Application question criteria: (1,000 words max, or PowerPoint (25 page max), or Video/Audio (7 minutes max) or Podcast (7 minutes max) plus references/citations page
  • By submitting your essay you agree as a possible winner to have your essay published on
  • Eligibility criteria: Must be a CTAM Canada member. See the Essay score Card here

Application Deadline

Email your application with all required information before March 6, 2025 (5:00pm ET) to Aubray Boyd at AND Paola Gómez at   You will receive an email confirmation following your submission. The jury will name the winning essay by March 17th. 

Please contact if you have any questions.

Good Luck!

Here's what our last year's winner, Lisa Doganieri, had to say about the experience...

"The professors are incredible and really get you thinking in new ways. The professors reviewed cases focused on marketing, strategy, finance, content and customer service and HR. The professors presented key messages and takeaways during each of their courses and I hope to be able to apply them in my daily life.  The course itself was a lot of work but it was very rewarding to have completed it. Lots of preparation reading 17 cases ahead of attending and then prepping for the classes the night before to make sure I was ready for the next day.

The people I met were also wonderful. It was such a dynamic group of people and it was quite impressive to see that a large selection of the attendees were VPs or SVPs at some of the biggest companies in our industry (Comcast, Disney, Charter, Paramount, Cox, etc). I’m certain that I’ve made some new friends for life after having gone through this experience together.

Living on campus was also a unique experience. We were set up in groups of 7-8 people and we shared an “apartment’ style set-up. Everyone had their own bedroom and bathroom and the group shared a common living room, kitchen and boardroom.

Thank you again for having organized the CTAM Canada Harvard Essay Contest. I’m so grateful that I pushed myself to apply and was able to benefit from this wonderful and challenging experience."

To keep up to date, follow us on LinkedIn and Instagram @ctam_canada 


  • 2023: Michelle Vaters, Senior Manager, Contest Sales & Distribution, Canada at The Walt Disney Company
  • 2022 : David Legault, Senior Manager, Content Operations Broadcast & VOD, Stingray
Read about David's experience here  
  • 2021 : Conor O'Halloran, Sales Analyst, Bell Media
Read about Conor's experience.
  • 2019:  Drew Robinson, Vice President, Content Distribution, Corus Entertainment
  • 2018: Andy Garrett, Director of Product Management and Affiliate Relations, Eastlink
  • 2017: Julie Kumaria, Vice President, Marketing and Content Distribution, Hollywood Suite 
  • 2016: Valerie Heroux, Senior Director, Programming Multiplatform Broadcast, Videotron
  • 2015: Jennifer Salmon, VP Contracts, Canadian Cable Systems Alliance
  • 2014: Andrew Eddy, VP, Content and Programming, Shaw Communications

Here's what Drew Robinson had to say about the experience

After years of hearing so many great things about the Cable Executive Management course at Harvard Business School, I was truly honoured to be the recipient of CTAM Canada’s scholarship in 2019. 

It had been over 15 years since I’d last stepped into a classroom and I was equally intimidated and excited.  While I had heard stories about how much reading was required in preparation for the class work, you really cannot appreciate how intense and comprehensive this course is until the case studies arrive.  For weeks in advance, I sat at home reading case study after case study, making notes and trying to figure out how shipping yards, mattress stores or investment firms has anything to do with PayTV. 

When I arrived on campus, the facilities had everything one would expect from a school like Harvard.  The dorms were immaculate and while the course work impressive, it’s the people you meet that made the entire experience memorable. 

On that note, the most humbling part of this program takes place when you first step into the classroom and come face to face with dozens of industry Executives, representing some of the biggest brands in television.  While the case studies provide a platform for everyone to organize their thoughts, the real learning comes from the discussion and different perspectives that emerge as everyone makes their way through the case studies, each one facilitated by brilliant and personable professors. 

I highly recommend this program and thank CTAM Canada making it possible.  


The CTAM Canada Mentorship Program

This program aims to help connect Mentors & Mentees across our industry so they can impart their industry knowledge on the next generation of telecommunications champions – or get some extra knowledge themselves!

We will be accepting applications from for the 2025 cohort soon! Check out the FAQs and application form here or email with any questions. 

Our Education and Membership Co-Chairs review all applications and pair people up with the Mentor or Mentee that matches their criteria best.

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